Applications / SAAQ
Restricted Licence and Release from Seizure
If you are faced with a revocation of your licence due to an accumulation of demerit points, a judge has the power, on request and under certain conditions, to authorize driving during that period. You must demonstrate that your main work requires you to drive a vehicle. This gives you a restricted licence.
Moreover, certain offences within the Highway Safety Code or the Criminal Code can result in the seizure of your vehicle for a determined period of time. This can cause important inconveniences, especially if the owner of the seized vehicle was not driving when the events occurred or if the vehicle is used for carrying out a business. It is possible for a judge, on request and with certain conditions, to lift the order for seizure and return the vehicle to the owner. This is a release from seizure.
At Go Tickets, we have the expertise and experience to present these requests adequately, in order to maximise your chances of success. Indeed, because these requests need to be presented directly to a judge that has the power to refuse them, it is essential that you satisfy the required conditions, that you be well prepared, and that you submit the relevant supporting documents.
We know that the idea of presenting a request before the courts can be an important source of anxiety for many people. As such, we are committed to accompanying you throughout the process to facilitate your time in court.
Includes representation fees
Total amount payable at the opening of the file. 75% of the total amount (+tx) is billed after the submission of the service of demand or of the necessary forms. 25% of the total amount (+tx) is billed at the end of the proceedings.
Our services include:
The initial consultation and opening of the file
Drafting of the procedures
The submission and service of procedures
Additional fees apply for:
Stamping of the procedures – n/d
Adjournment of the file (at the client’s request) – 100.00$
Transportation fees to anywhere outside the island of Montreal – 0.43$/km
The consultation for the preparation of your procedure – 100.00$
(Without drafting or representation) (max 1h)
The Société de l’Assurance Automobile du Québec is the organism responsible for, amongst other things, the application of the rules governing driving licences and their obtainment in Quebec. As such, it can make decisions relating to the suspension or revocation of your right to drive a vehicle. Moreover, some offences found in the Highway Safety Code and the Criminal Code result in the immediate suspension of your driving privileges.
These suspensions and revocations can, in certain circumstances, be reviewed or contested before the Administrative Tribunal of Quebec. At Go Tickets, we can represent you before the SAAQ and before the Tribunal to assert your rights and allow you to reclaim your licence.
You can equally count on our know-how and expertise in preparing you for the evaluations required by the SAAQ before the Association des intervenants en dépendance du Québec. The aim of these evaluations is to make sure that your behaviour in relation to drugs and alcohol is compatible with driving. These measures are required in order to get a new driver’s licence or to keep a driver’s licence after an arrest for impaired driving. Failing these evaluations can have important consequences and it is important to be well prepared.
Preparation for
an evaluation
max. 1 h
Application for Stay of Execution of Judgment, Revocation of Judgment and Appeal
If you have been found guilty without your knowledge for an offence for which you registered a not-guilty plea, without having the chance to present your defence, it is possible that you have been found guilty by default. It is important to act quickly because you have a delay of 15 days starting from the day you become aware of the situation to submit an application to annul the guilty verdict. This is an application for stay of execution and an application for revocation of judgment.
In contacting Go Tickets, you can be confident that our resources will be put at your disposition in order to submit and present your claim in the prescribed time, thus allowing you to avoid a possible sanction to your driver’s licence.
At Go Tickets, we are also available to evaluate the possibility of appealing a guilty verdict, whether it is following a payment made by mistake for a ticket, or following a trial where you have been found guilty. Let us find the solution.
Stay of
of judgment
Total amount payable at the opening of the file. 75% of the total amount (+tx) is billed after the submission of the service of demand or of the necessary forms. 25% of the total amount (+tx) is billed at the end of the proceedings.
Our services include:
The initial consultation and opening of the file
Drafting of the procedures
The submission and service of procedures
Additional fees apply for:
Stamping of the procedures – n/d
Adjournment of the file (at the client’s request) – 100.00$
Representation in Court for a contestation – 300.00$
Stenography costs – n/d
Transportation fees to anywhere outside the island of Montreal – 0.43$/km
The consultation for the preparation of your procedure – 100.00$
(Without drafting or representation) (max 1h)