How it works
Policy for Contesting
a Statement of Offence
At Go Tickets, you will receive an impeccable service and our lawyers will make all the necessary efforts to resolve your file to your complete satisfaction.
In giving the mandate of representing her/him to Go Tickets, the client agrees to pay the established price for the chosen package, in exchange for representation in matters concerning her/his statement of offence.
Go Tickets agrees, in exchange for the amount received, to provide the following services:
Initial consultation with a lawyer specialized in offences related to driving
Opening your file and sending the not-guilty plea
Request for the driving record from the SAAQ
Assessment of your file
Negotiation to obtain withdrawal of accusations, to reduce the demerit points and/or fine
Additional fees will apply for all services not included in the package:
Adjournment of your case (at your request) - $100.00
Appearance in court for your trial - $100.00
Transportation fees to anywhere outside the island of Montreal - $ 0.43 / km
Consultation for the preparation of your trial - $ 100.00 (Without representation) (max 1h)
Opening a file is contingent upon full payment of fees for the chosen package. All documents received in relation to a file for which payment is incomplete will be returned to the sender.
A member of the Go Tickets team will communicate with the client approximately one (1) week before the hearing date. It is the client’s responsibility to keep his phone contact information up to date, and to return all voicemails left for him within a reasonable delay.
In the absence of a follow up by the Go Tickets team, it is the client’s responsibility to communicate with Go Tickets in a reasonable delay before the hearing date. The client will have to provide any specific information related to his file.
If it is impossible to contact the client, Go Tickets reserves the right to cease representing him.
It is the responsibility of the client to provide the Go Tickets team with the necessary or relevant documents pertaining to her/his file.
It is the responsibility of the client to provide to the Municipal Court of the concerned municipality, to the Bureau des Infractions et amendes (BIA) or to the appropriate jurisdiction, his not-guilty plea, within the required delay. If he fails to do so, the client may be handed a guilty conviction by default. All pleas sent to us without cause will be returned to the sender without further notice.
The client must make sure of the receipt of any documents sent to Go Tickets. Any request made to the Court must be sent 72h before the planned hearing date. The client must provide for this delay accordingly in sending his documents. The calculation of delays will begin when the receipt of the documents are confirmed by Go Tickets.
Go Tickets is not responsible for the loss of a document by post, nor for the delays caused by the method used to send the document. All documents must mention the file reference number and the contact details of the client, and can be sent to us by fax, mail or delivered directly at our offices (if prior warning is given).
Go Tickets reserves the right to refuse a challenge to any statement of offence, without having to provide an explanation or justification.
Go Tickets reserves the right to suggest a mandate limited to one of negotiation for certain types of statement of offences, issued within certain jurisdictions.
Go Tickets reserves the right to refuse a challenge with trial if the client does not provide any of the elements required by law or jurisprudence to present a valid defence.
Any notice of hearing must be received at our offices at least thirty (30) days before the scheduled date. No hearing date communicated verbally will be considered.
All files for which the notice of hearing has not yet been received in a fixed delay will not be processed unless an authorisation to the contrary is given by Go Tickets.
It is the responsibility of the client to make her/himself available for the hearing of her/his file, unless a contrary notice is given by Go Tickets.
At the request of the client, Go Tickets can, if deemed appropriate, present a request for adjournment to the Court, which will be evaluated by the judge. It is the responsibility of the client to provide all documents in support of the request. Go Tickets cannot be held responsible if the judge refuses the request.
The client that submits a request for adjournment her/himself will be responsible for communicating the date of the next hearing without delay to Go Tickets.
The client can consent to someone else having access to her/his information concerning her/his file. However, s/he must provide a procuration to that effect. Failing this, no information will be communicated, as the information is of confidential nature.
The client remains the sole person responsible for all the information given or any decision made by her/his representative, thus freeing Go Tickets from liability for any wrong information that could cause prejudice.
It is the client’s responsibility to provide his exact contact information. He must notify the Go Tickets team of any changes in his address or phone numbers, in the best delays possible.
It is the client’s responsibility to notify the court of any change in address and Go Tickets will not bear any responsibility if the client claims not to have received the notice of hearing.
The client commits to collaborating with the Go Tickets team for the handling of her/his file in good faith, and in a courteous way. Failing this, Go Tickets reserves the right to put an end to the services.
Thus, it is the responsibility of the client to notify the Go Tickets team of any information that could influence the handling of the file.
No reimbursement will be permitted on services already rendered, unless an express authorisation to the contrary is given by Go Tickets.
Inability to conform to the conditions of this policy will lead to a loss of trust and will put an end to the services without any financial compensation, unless express authorisation to the contrary is given by Go Tickets.
Additional costs will be required for cheques that are refused or for which funds are insufficient.