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0 point

Fixed cost

Result-based package



+ 50% of the fine

Our packages include:


  • The initial consultation and opening of a file

  • Sending the not-guilty plea

  • Request for your driving record at the SAAQ

  • Request disclosure of the evidence

  • Assessment of your file and a consultation with you to that effect

  • Negotiation to obtain the withdrawal of accusations, the reduction of the demerit points or reduction of the fine.


Fixed cost package:

Total amount payable at the opening of the file. An amount of $100.00 plus tax is billed when the file is opened. The total of the amount is billed at the end of the proceedings.


Result-based package:

Immediate payment of $100.00 plus tax for the fee associated to opening the file. The client commits to providing, at the opening of the file, a valid credit card number that will cover, where necessary, the amount owed according to the result.


Additional fees apply for:

  • The adjournment of your case (at your request) – $100.00

  • Representation at trial – $300.00

  • Transportation fees to anywhere outside the island of Montreal – $0.43/km

  • Consultation for the preparation of your trial – $100.00 (Without representation) (Max 1h)

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